Caribbean Development Bank

Development of Caribbean Moves: An Initiative to Reduce Non-Communicable Diseases

Overall Objective/Impact:

Reduction in the Prevalence of NCDs

Specific Objective(s)/Outcome(s):

Enhanced capacity of Borrowing Member Countries (BMCs) to effectively implement a Whole of Society (WOS) socially-inclusive and gender-responsive NCD prevention and control Caribbean Moves initiative.

Expected Results/Outputs:

  1. Completion of consultancy service to develop Caribbean Moves
  2. Regional (face-to-face) participatory consultations on Caribbean Moves

CARPHA Programmatic Area(s):

Project Information

Status: Ongoing

Start Date: 16th March 2020

End Date: 27th February 2021

Duration: 12 months

Budget: US$228,754.00 (of which US$177,500.00 financed by the CDB)

Source(s) of Funding:
Caribbean Development Bank (CDB)

Beneficiary CARPHA Member State(s):
All CARPHA Member States that are Borrowing Member Countries (BMCs) of the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB)

Focal Point(s):
Dr. Tamu Davidson
Head, Chronic Disease and Injury Department
Surveillance, Disease Prevention & Control Division

  • Project Overview
  • Media

Caribbean Moves (CM) is an initiative aimed at reducing the burden of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) in the Caribbean by engaging with a broad cross section of public and private sector organisations to promote and support preventive health behaviours aligned with the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Best Buys for NCD prevention. Currently, NCDs account for 70% of all deaths in the Caribbean and have an economic impact at every level of society. The economic and social costs incurred are simply not sustainable. There are however a range of solutions that require all sectors to work together, public, private and civil society, to inform, educate, develop skills and enhance supportive environments to bring about the needed change. As individuals, communities, nations and a region as a whole, actionable steps are required to reduce impacts.

CARPHA has received resources from the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) to assist with the development of the Caribbean Moves Initiative. The Project has two Components.

Component 1: Consultancy services to: (a) develop a socially-inclusive and gender-responsive Caribbean Moves initiative, inclusive of an estimated budget and monitoring and evaluation framework, and (b) establish governance structures and partnership mechanisms to provide coordination, technical and executional support for each country’s launch and sustaining the initiative.

Component 2: Regional two-day consultation/meeting of participants from beneficiary BMCs to discuss and finalise Caribbean Moves strategies and plans.

The Caribbean Moves initiative will employ the Port-of-Spain Declaration’s multi-sectoral, whole-of-society (WOS) framework. The primary target groups of the Project include Ministries of Health and Social Development, NCD Commissions, Healthy Caribbean Coalition, Regional Health Communication Network, the Pan-American Health Orgainsation, the CARICOM Secretariat and private sector and non-governmental organisations for children, youth, persons with disabilities (PWDs), women’s/men’s affairs and indigenous people