05 October 2020

Caribbean Vector-borne Diseases Network (CariVecNet) Coordination Officer ("2) Closing Date: November 1, 2020

1.    Increased capacity for detection, monitoring and surveillance of Zika, and other mosquito-borne diseases, and sequelae in the Caribbean
2.    Institutional capacity for Vector Control Programmes in the Caribbean strengthened
3.    Strengthened public education and behaviour change programmes on Zika and other mosquito borne diseases

4.    Increased availability of data and evidence on strengthening public health interventions to detect, monitor, prevent and control Zika and other mosquito-borne diseases
5.    Strengthened regional coordination mechanisms for prevention and response to Zika and other mosquito-borne diseases

One of the key regional coordination mechanisms under Result 5 is the the Caribbean Vector-Borne Diseases Network (CariVecNet) which was officially launched on August 8-9th, 2017. The objectives of this network are to, inter alia, strengthen collaboration among Caribbean institutions; facilitate regional exchanges on surveillance and diagnosis of Vector-Borne Diseases (VBDs); enhance collaborative research and training proposals and expert policy recommendations on how to enhance the health network in the Caribbean. The expected long-term outcome is being better prevention and control of VBDs. The services of a Coordination Officer are required to support the operations of the CariVecNet


Kindly refer to the attached Terms of Reference for additional details on the required qualifications, experience and competencies.

Applications, including Job Applicant's Profile Summary Form, Cover Letter and Curriculum Vitae and copies of relevant documents must be submitted by November 1, 2020 to:

The Manager

Human Resource Department

Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA)

P.O. Box 164


E-mail: hrm@carpha.org



  1. Job Description - Caribbean Vector-Borne Diseases Network (CariVecNet) Coordination Officer.pdf 10/6/2020 12:00:52 AM
  2. JOB APPLICANT'S PROFILE SUMMARY FORM update.docx 6/23/2020 3:47:06 AM